Martin 和 Paul 背貼背的那一幕!!!我我我我…!!!
Martin from Boys Like Girls discusses the song "Love Drunk"
我在 YT 上找了新專輯裡的一些歌來聽,感覺還不錯, rock 了很多……
Martin discusses the song "Heart Heart Heartbreak"
目前為止最能觸動我的幾首歌是 "Thunder" 、 "Love Drunk" 和這首 "Heart Heart Heartbreak"
"If you're leavin' don't say you love me" Boys Like Girls - CosmoGirl Confessions
第一題,很同意 Martin 的一番話~~
"I think the internet is devil" 哈哈 Bryan 好可愛~~~(這小子萌化太多了最近)
新專輯裡那首 "Two Is Better Then One" 找來了 Taylor Swift 合唱。
Martin Johnson, lead singer of the four-piece group, tells MTV.com, "I don't think we were worried about how our fans would react to that collaboration. I think Taylor's such a versatile artist, she can go from country to pop to rock to anywhere."
He goes on to say, "We just saw her at Madison Square Garden, and there were so many kinds of fans there. We just thought she was the right voice and the right person for that song."
(Source: Taylor Swift Collaborates with Boys Like Girls)
是說我才聽過她一首歌 "Love Story" ,在 BLG 的影響下便找了她其他歌和 live 來看…
我較喜歡她那首 "You Belong With Me" , MV 也很可愛,大家可以去找來看看~
再送上一個 BLG 的文字訪問: Boys Like Girls Interview: Love Drunk and In High Spirits
No wonder then that the band was in high spirits when I caught up with them for a chat, all the while trying to avoid the shower of dead skin flakes from Martin's peeling, sunburned back as Paul scratched away helpfully. (Ok, I exaggerated. It wasn't really a shower, and I was seated at a safe distance from any fallout.)
How's the sunburn?
Martin: It's healing. I've got a bunch of tattoos all over the sunburn, and obviously that really hurt. But all my tattoos are healing and they're all itching like crazy.
(seeks the help of Paul to do a mean scratch on his itching back)
"Dude that feels SO good, you have no idea! Go higher!"
想像外表這麼酷的 Poolie 溫柔(?)地給 Martin 搔背的畫面
Martin 還很有愛地說 that feels SO good 和 Go higher
(不過啊是說 Martin 為甚麼會曬傷背的…不會是在沙灘上睡著了吧這笨蛋 XDD )
順帶一提,我發覺到 "Thunder" MV 版本的編曲跟最初 CD 版的不一樣~
我比較喜歡 MV 版的說!(我沒聽錯的話,有加入小提琴聲啊~~)
我是有些懷念他們 "The Great Escape" 和 "Five Minutes To Midnight" that kind of sounds
可是正如 Bryan 所說,當你閱歷多了成長了,對事物的看法自然會不同
可憐的 Bryan 成了孤單電燈泡…(摸)
- Sep 12 Sat 2009 17:34
BLG's new album "Love Drunk"
The Making Of Boys Like Girls' New Album 'Love Drunk'