
我本著不怕死的決心去發言了,基本上那裏的人都很友善,即使是不接受 BL 的男版友們,也很理性地就著問題回應;反對的聲音也不含責罵成分。


我把留言的稱為 A 君吧, A 君這篇引用了另一位人兄 B 君的帖子。
如圖中所見, B 君拿了些配對來說, A 君閱後就質疑他的性取向。


我也認識很多喜歡 GL 的女生,她們的性向都是正常的
也有些不沉 BL 的男性朋友,但談論到關於 BL 的東西他們也會興奮起來



我能了解您對BL特別感到興趣的原因, 這就跟某些男性同胞喜歡看幾個美女女優主演的女同志愛情動作片裡, 把對方弄到哀哀叫的情形是同樣的, 而我認為這些同胞們的癖好是還算是可以理解的...
不過, 當某些女性對GL特別喜愛, 或某些男性對BL文章或視訊感到愛不釋手, 甚至對此感到莫名的興奮時, 那麼這些仁兄仁姊們肯定已經有些問題了, 這些仁兄仁姊們如果沒有龍陽之癖, 也應該有一隻腳跨上了斷背山了... 這裡請您抽空看看這篇柯夢波丹雜誌的文章: "您的男友是同性戀?" <-- 點這裡, 當知在下所言不虛...

天啊……他明顯沒看懂我的話,我說了, BL 和同性戀是兩碼子的事啊
而且他舉出來的那篇文,他是嚴重的斷章取義了 =____= 看我下面的回覆:

Dear XXX, first thx for your reply (maybe we've a little bit out of track by discussing this topic...I should open another post to clearify those points?).
You've misunderstood my points I guess. Basically, as I've siad, "BL" is untrue - we establish our fantasy upon the reality. It's totally different from "homosexuality". Personally, I, my sister & my closest friend, none of us possesses/collects reality homo AVs. The people that I've mentioned (my friends show interersts to BL or GL) I don't know if they have homosexual AVs at home, maybe they do, but I can't prove. In that article, what the auther talks about is one who collects homo sources in his/her gender. Obviously I & most of my friends are on the opposite...also, to prove if one is a "homo" (especially for males, base on the article) or not, the auther suggests evidences in many other aspects: e.g. going to gay bar, showing intimacy to men, don't wanna have sex with women, etc...It's unfair to judge someone at only one point - just because he/she shows some interests on BL/GL. NOT ALL OF US IS SINKING FAR TO THIS EXTEND, please note that.
Besides, homo AVs/porn movies are NOTHING equal to BL/GL stuff or fanfic(同人). They're somehow associated but NOT the same. You can oppose BL nor homosexual, but please bear in mind that they're two seperated things...thx... On the other hand, people who addict to homo sources don't mean that they pleased BL/GL/同人. I beg the real gay guys or lesbians would propably laughed at it our 同人 BL/GL pieces - they're so unreal and rediculous.

This is an interview with a university professor who had launched a research on BL topic:

Another reference: ... 666&group_id=64

I know many people always mistake those concepts. I just want to try my best to explain this to them. It is quite hard to understand, I admitt that. I'm not gonna to change their mind, but only want them to know better on this issue.
Maybe you would say that, the references I gave out are based on BL comics, not on RPF (real person fanfic). They're ONLY references, not evidence. OK?

>>我能了解您對BL特別感到興趣的原因, 這就跟某些男性同胞喜歡看幾個美女女優主演的女同志愛情動作片裡, 把對方弄到哀哀叫的情形是同樣的, 而我認為這些同胞們的癖好是還算是可以理解的...
I have to be regretful to say that...I like BL NOT because of "動作" or love listening to them "把對方弄到哀哀叫"...I didn't watch homo porn movies (x 2)... (I don't know the others, this is just my case.) Don't pretend that you comprehend what I'm, or we're thinking...Even for those 同胞, I can't speak on the behalf of them all...some of them love BL because of the reasons you suggest, but some of them are not.

>>"如果今天開了GAY版, 是不是明天就會有人要求開AV版? 試問屆時各位是開是不開呢?"
I've refered to this point a litttle bit in my previous post, I don't know if anyone notice it...maybe I didn't explain it clearly...I'm going to have my examination so discuss this later.

但最令我不舒服的,是他這樣根深蒂固地應為喜歡 BL / GL 的人就是一定程度的同性戀者
不然, B 君只是開玩笑性質地說說和 BL 有關的話,這 A 君怎地就立刻質疑對方的性取向?

還有他說「某些女性對 GL 特別喜愛, 或某些男性對 BL 文章或視訊感到愛不釋手」,他們就是一定程度的同性戀,這更嚇人
homo AVs/porn movies are NOTHING equal to BL/GL stuff!

我不介意他反同性戀反 BL 反 GL 甚至反同人也好, I don't care ,我 care 的只是他嚴重把這些觀念混淆了。
他既然不了解這些觀念,就不要妄下評語;我最不滿的也只是他自以為了解我們的世界(「我能了解您對 BL 特別感到興趣的原因……」這段),以自己的概念去解讀。
我不知道別人,但至少我自己沒收集男或女同志片,也不是 18 禁的粉絲。(看我自出娘胎都沒寫過 H 文就知道了)
他又不是我,他憑甚麼去判定我喜歡 BL 的原因啊!!(反桌)

當然他的見解也不能說全錯,我不排除有些喜歡 BL/GL 的人是 homo ,但並不是所有個案也這樣!他的結論是「那麼這些仁兄仁姊們肯定已經有些問題了」,一竹竿打死一船人。請不要以偏概全!好不好?




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